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Nicholas Adkins - Online Gedenkwebseite

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Nicholas Adkins
Geboren inUnited States
5 years
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For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come.William Shakespeare Hamlet

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Nicholas Adkins who was born in Columbia City, Indiana on May 2, 2003 to Brandi Ann Bender and James Alan Adkins. Nicholas passed away, along with his mother, Brandi, and two younger brothers, Peyton and Justice, on January 17, 2009 due to smoke inhalation. The home where they had been staying caught fire early in the morning around 10:00am. Reports from the police and fire department stated that the fire had started due to a space heater in the kitchen area or from food left unattended on the stove. The fire was so intense that they could not pin point the exact cause. Crosses have been placed in the empty lot where the house once stood to remind everyone who passes by that they are not forgotten. You will live forever in our memories and hearts, Nicky. We love and miss you very much Goober.
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